General Information

The Normal Kira Stats

This is the important stuff to know about me...I think?

  • Name(s): Elly, Kiracle/Kira

  • Age: 22

  • Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: Aromantic? Greyromantic? / Bisexual? Though possibly Arosexual? It's complicated lmaox

  • Occupation: Food Service! I think!xx

x- I'm generally very adverse to romantic gestures (AKA hugs and kisses specifically meant to be romantic, stuff like that). If you catch me in a good mood I might be willing to accept them but for the most part I kinda hate getting these? In general I don't like when my relationships get romantic. I prefer more platonic/good vibes friendships. I'm also kinda adverse to sexual acts, I just don't really like thinking of actually performing them. It's weird, 'cause I can write about both just fine, I just don't like actually being in a romantic/sexual relationship. I guess it's a "I can fake it, but I don't truly want it" kinda deal lol. Despite that, I'm technically in something akin to that and have been for a couple years at this point. It thankfully hasn't progressed into anything that'd make me uncomfortable, so that's good.
xx- Technically, I work at a chocolate/ice cream shop of some kind. I serve ice cream and fudge while also working the registers, along with smaller things like helping with packaging or cleaning up at night.

The Funny Kira Stats

Unsure if this stuff matters to you, but it's probably worth adding here, anyways.

  • Zodiac Sign (Sun): Taurus

  • Zodiac Sign (Moon): Capricorn

  • Zodiac Sign (Rising): Aries

  • Personality Type: ISFP-Tx ( Myers-Briggs) / 9 (Enneagram)

x- Seems to change a lot since my N/S and T/F are practically 50/50 most of the time. I've been ISTP and INFP in the past. If we're going by Tomodachi Life terms, though, then ISFP (which sorta lines up with Independent/Artist) is surprisingly accurate. Even matches up with the exact sock I start with whenever I get dressed lmao

Important Notes Regarding My Account

More actually important stuff. It's sort of a mix between a Before You Follow list and a Do Not Interact list.

  • Despite my general doormat personality, if you make me feel uncomfortable, then there's a good chance I'll block you. Don't take it too hard, I just prefer to surround myself with people I enjoy the company of!

  • The standard "Do Not Interact" criteria typically seen across Twitter also applies here. I don't really like seeing hateful people on the timeline, so I'll usually mute or block if I see you posting that sort of stuff.

  • My Twitter account is very retweet heavy.

  • I swear. A lot.

  • Despite that, I actually try to keep my account family friendly, for the most part!

  • Let me know if you wanna get closer! I'll try to take the initiative afterwards, I just like having confirmation that I'm not being annoying.

List of Interests

Primary Interests

These are the interests I post about the most often on my account. Keep in mind that I'll usually fixate on one in particular for an extended period of time rather than show them all an equal amount of love.

  • Love Live!

  • Touhou Project

Secondary Interests

My other interests. These are primarily relegated to retweets only, but I may very occasionally post about these if the opportunity arises.

  • PaRappa the Rapper

  • Pokémon

  • Precure


  • Survivor/The Amazing Race/Big Brother

  • Undertale/Deltarune

Tertiary Interests

Also known as my "Seasonal Obsession" interest(s). Not sure if fixation is the right word per say, but I usually get really into these before simmering down a bit. There's a chance that some of these could end up being promoted to the Secondary or even Primary Interests categories if I get invested enough in them.

  • Magic Mixies

  • PBS Kids Shows (Primarily Cyberchase and Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum as of now, maybe add Timothy Goes to School to that small list, too)

Favorite/Comfort Characters

I used to have like whole sections regarding my favorites, but I think it'd make more sense if I just threw out a boatload of names at once, rapidfire style (teehee)
Any bold names indicates someone I REALLY like. The true favorites amongst my favorites, if you will.

  • Hatate Himekaidou (Touhou Project): The OG Kiracle fave, someone who I admittedly project way too hard onto despite the fact that we aren't reeeaally all that similar personality-wise. People also tend to associate me with her the most out of all my faves, which probably speaks to just how much I like her. Probably. Also I call her Hat on occasion. Just Hat. Like the thing you wear on your head :)

  • Mononobe no Futo (Touhou Project): If Hatate is always #1 for me, then Futo is a clear #2. I think a lot of why I like her comes down to her design. I used to draw her a lot in middle and high school, and over time I've come to love all the little strings, lines, and little tiny intricacies of her design. Beyond that, she's also a silly arsonist bean, and I really enjoy her rivalry with Ichirin.

  • Kasumi Nakasu (Love Live!): Critterino supreme! Her cuteness and general demeanor make her very easy for me to latch onto as a "character I desperately want to support and protect" type of character. She's another fave with a nickname, as I usually call her either Kasumin or Cashew.

  • Nico Yazawa (Love Live!): Nico is Nico. Kasumi is basically Nico but more extreme, which would in theory make Nico a Diet Kasumi... BS explanations as to why I like both for similar reasons aside, Nico still remains one of my favorite LL characters.

  • Rin Hoshizora (Love Live!): Before I got into Love Live, Rin actually used to be my favorite! (Actually it was Yuu Aizawa but if we're strictly looking at the main groups, it'd be Rin) Even after getting into the series seriously, Rin was always near the top of my µ's rankings. She's just a very likable character for me, whose cheerful energies sorta sticks with me in a way that some other characters just couldn't for one reason or another. I'm not really sure how to describe it, I just really like her. (ALSO she has one of the better µ's singing voices. That or a lot of her solos/songs she's featured in happen to be some of my favorite µ's songs. I think that helps a lot actually)

  • Gaster (PaRappa the Rapper): This man opened many a door for me to figure out one of my types. He wasn't the first antagonistic character I've grown incredibly fond of (and certainly won't be the last), but he's definitely the one that I instantly remember whenever I think of "sensitive bastards" (AKA antagonists with cute/wholesome soft sides). I nearly flunked senior year of high school over this damn rabbit so you KNOW I feel a certain way about him lol

  • Katy Kat (PaRappa the Rapper): This is mostly about the Katy in the games rather than anime Katy, though she's also grown on me a bit over the years. I just think she's really, really cool. And also I'm a bit of a MilkCan fan, so that probably helps.

  • Masuki Satou (BanG Dream!): I don't talk about her much, but Masuki is still one of my favorites. This is mainly here so people know that I HAVE consumed Bandori media in some capacity. Though, notably, Maya actually used to be my favorite before RAS came into existence. Misaki was up there, too.

  • Ibuki Komatsu (THE iDOLMASTER Cinderella Girls): Most of my favorite Cinderella Girls characters tend to be unvoiced characters, which is a little funny. I think Ibuki is a similar case to Hatate where I just tend to hardcore project onto her. Plus, her being unvoiced means I can headcanon a voice for her and not have that reality shattered until she gets voiced, which is probably never happening anyways so I can continue living in my delusions hehehe >:) (Side note but much like Hat and Kasumin, Ibuki also has a Kiracle-assigned nickname, that being Bukki)

  • Susie (DELTARUNE): Honestly, a lot of this comes from both the actual games and fan projects. Deltarune in general has a lot of characters I really like (Lancer, Berdly, Spamton, etc., similar story for Undertale where I like Papyrus, Mettaton and Undyne a whole bunch), but I feel like I've really grown to like Susie more and more as time goes on. For the record, I'm a Deltatraveler enjoyer so that definitely helps lol

  • Kappard (Precure): This ones a weird case. I went into Star Twinkle Precure sorta not knowing of his existence (in that I thought he was a different character lmao), and yet the first time I saw him I immediately went "oh no, I'm going to love this guy" (and love him I did). It's part "this man REFUSES to stay out of my dreams", part "I love his little feud with Hikaru so much", part "He's probably the only character out of my absolute favorites I could interact with without getting at least mildly annoyed by their antics", and part "he's kinda hot okay leave me alone". Probably helps that, unlike Laura, I HAVE actually watched his season of Precure, too. He's also another fave with a Kiracle-assigned nickname, that being Kappy (which occasionally inspires images of him wearing the Cappyfied Mario hat from Super Mario Odyssey teehee)

  • Hikaru Hoshina (Precure): More Star Twinkle reps! Probably not a huge surprise that she's my favorite outta the main cure cast, especially since she strongly reminds me of one of my OCs (Kira for the aware), to the point where I occasionally draw them together. Considering that Kira is, like, THE mascot for my OC series, it shouldn't be a surprise that Hikaru reminding me of her is a good thing. Also, I already mentioned my enjoyment of the Hikaru/Kappard rivalry, but I also really enjoy the Hikaru/Lala dynamic. Unrelated shoutouts to Sakurako here because three Star Twinkle reps would be crazy... But also I do love her as well...

  • Laura (Precure): Still super cute, still a little gremlin-coded, still one of my favorites despite having not seen her season! Ideally, I'd like to wait to watch Tropical Rouge with my watch party group, but I'll probably have to do it on my own time.

  • Trixie Lulamoon and also Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony): I recently rewatched some of G4 (stopped watching a little after S6 started up for those curious), and MAN I really missed out on some good Starlight/Trixie content. Crazy. When I first watched the show back in middle school, I was huge on Discord (and also Fluttercord teehee). Still am, but I feel like overtime I've started to appreciate Trixie and Starlight more and more. Leaving them here together because it would feel wrong for me to separate them when a lot of the reason why I like them so much comes from their dynamic (though, that's not to say that they don't have their own little charm points).

  • Xavier Riddle (Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum): 15 seconds. 15 seconds was all it took for me to have my curiosity piqued enough to watch his show. All it took was seeing those darn Riddle kids and their theme song, and I was hooked. When i first started the show I was a big fan of Yadina, but over time I've fallen in love with Xavier's silly guy persona (that's not to say that's all there is to him, though. He's actually a really insecure guy deep down and I'm glad his friends are willing to stick by him and help him work through his problems). He definitely has moments where I want to punt him across a football field, but he also has moments where I start screaming uncontrollably (in a good way). Literally he will smile and I will start making the most unholy noises known to mankind out of sheer joy and love for the kiddo. Also love his dynamic with Brad, those two really do work off of each other super well (and I did in fact nearly cry while watching the Fred Rogers episode). Semi-unrelated but Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum is a really cute show, by the way! Probably my favorite show to come out of the modern PBS Kids era.

  • Delete (Cyberchase): I LOVE THIS GUY OHHHHH MY SILLY LITTLE ROBOT. OR CYBORG???? Maybe he's a cyborg, I don't really remember (Hacker made them and he also made Digit and Digit is a cybird so I'd assume Buzz and Delete would also be considered cyborgs....). BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!! Delete is such an unbelievably neat little guy, I kinda love him. My favorite renditions of Delete typically pop up in the later seasons (we're talking post-flash, post-widescreen seasons specifically), for the record. This guy has gone from being a Hacker loyalist with occasional silly/cute moments to the Cybersquad's #1 fan while still working for Hacker because he wants to stay together with Buzz... Oh he's a real one. He's such a real one. HE LOVES BUNNIES TOO HOW COULD I NOT LIKE THIS GUY... To be honest, I could probably ramble for ages on this guy. He's got such good dynamics and is generally just so likeable to me specifically. Also feel like some special shoutouts are necessary for Inez and Hacker. I tend to relate a lot to the former, and I just really like the latter. Honestly, they could probably be standalone characters on this list if I really wanted to, but I'm not sure how much of my appreciation for them is just recency bias from watching so much Cyberchase recently.

Semi-unrelated but shoutouts to Geckler and Millie from Magic Mixies. Watched the webshow at the end of 2023 and I kinda love both of them tbh. Not enough to get on the list, but I loved them!

Socials/Game Accounts

Social Accounts

This is a list of my accounts across various social media platforms.

Username: @himekiradou
Platform: Twitter
Status: Active
Description: Used to be super active, but I've slowly grown a little detached from it, mainly using it to talk to people I might not have on Discord, or just people I feel more comfortable yelling at in a tweet than in a DM.

Username: @hagukiwa
Platform: Twitter
Status: Inactive
Description: My private Twitter account. Note that I may potentially reject your request to follow this account if I don't feel comfortable enough with you.

Username: himekiwa
Platform: AniList
Status: Active
Description: The place where you can see what anime/manga I'm reading! Don't expect updates outside of Sundays and Mondays, though.

Username: himekiradou
Platform: Discord
Status: Active
Description: My most active account across all platforms. If you wanna ask me something, it's recommended that you ask here.

Username: Kiracle
Platform: Idol Story
Status: Inactive
Description: Another account I treat more like a database than anything. Feel free to check out my collections!

Username: himekiwa
Platform: Bluesky
Status: Active
Description: Actually pretty active here! The description is sorta inaccurate, though, since I also talk about PBS kids shows there. Follow if you wanna hear me gush about random things, I suppose!

Game Accounts

None here at the moment... (TBA: Blue Archive and Touhou LostWord accounts...)

Original Character Database

Interested in learning more about my original characters? Below are some links you can follow!

Kiraverse Spreadsheet

Features all sorts of links! You can also watch me update stories in real time, if you're into that kinda thing.

Username: Temp
Status: Temporary

Original Character Database